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Free Royalty Free Photos: On the Case

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Free Royalty Free Photos: On the Case 2017-04-21T22:40:57+00:00

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Tony Klarich: On The Case

Long Beach Marine Stadium, 2013

Photo: GoPro Selfie with GoPole


It may look easy, but it took several months to figure out how to ride suitcase. For now I will file that under trade secrets. The key to this act is the tourist outfit. Without it my buddies at the Marine Stadium thought this was just so-so, but add old man sunglasses, a Hawaiian shirt, and a camera – it’s Tony the Tourist.


I like to whip up on the beach and grab the handle as I sink in knee deep water. The first time I did this in costume and walked up the beach several people came down to take pics. It’s all in the costume!

tony klarich suitcase water skiing tourist funny go pro

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