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Free Royalty Free Photos: Slalom Turn From Behind

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Free Royalty Free Photos: Slalom Turn From Behind 2017-04-21T22:40:57+00:00

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Tony Klarich

Ski West Village. 2013

Photo: GoPro Selfie


Taking a Turn


The tropical look of this private man made ski lake is from dye added to the water. The dye keeps light from hitting the bottom of the lake, and prevents vegetation from growing. Klarich used a Go Pole extended with a 12” closet dowel.



The camera was set to take 2 pictures every second, and in a typical ride 600-800 photos are taken.


Equipment: Ski: HO 67″ VTC, Wetsuit/Vest: Body Glove, Boat Correct Craft Ski Nautique


tony klarich gopro waterski slalom

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