Tony Klarich: Ouside the Box
Long Beach Marine Stadium, 2013
Photo: GoPro Selfie with stick mount
I often dream of creating ski moments, but not all of them have worked out yet: riding a block of ice as a hockey player, on an acoustic guitar as Elvis, and on top of a doghouse as a dogcatcher (with a dog riding down below).
I spent considerable effort trying to get the doghouse going, but the large size and bulk have made it elusive. Another problem was the slanted roof. So I started thinking about other big boxy items I could ride to work my way into it…
In 2010 I joined CrossFit by Overload, Murrieta to see if I could get in shape to ride 50 different things in 1 day to celebrate turning 50. We often use plyo boxes for jumping exercises, and I thought this would be the perfect transition to a doghouse. This too proved to be difficult, but after about 6 months I figured it out. And who better to dress up as than Pukie, the CrossFit mascot.

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